Understanding Solids in Wastewater: Strategies for Commercial Treatment and Surcharge Reduction

Discover strategies for managing Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in commercial wastewater. Learn about effective treatment solutions, including Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs), to ensure regulatory compliance and sustainable water management.

Two beakers showing the difference between pre-treatment dirty water with visible solids and clear water after solids have been removed.

Understanding Solids in Wastewater: Strategies for Commercial Treatment

Introduction to Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in Wastewater

Understanding the impact of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in wastewater is crucial for commercial entities focused on efficient water treatment and regulatory compliance. This comprehensive guide delves into both TDS and TSS, explaining their significance, methods for accurate measurement, and effective management strategies in commercial wastewater systems.

What Are Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)?

Total Dissolved Solids in wastewater refer to microscopic particles, typically smaller than 2 microns, dissolved in water. These solids include various salts, minerals, and organic compounds that remain in solution and can affect the water's properties, such as its conductivity, hardness, and overall chemical composition.

What Are Total Suspended Solids (TSS)?

Total Suspended Solids represent particles larger than 2 microns that are not dissolved but are suspended in water. TSS can include a wide range of materials from inorganic substances like sand and sediment to organic waste such as algae and bacteria. The presence of TSS is a key concern for water clarity and quality, particularly in the context of wastewater treatment. Understanding what is suspended solids in wastewater is essential for effective management.

The Crucial Role of TSS and TDS Measurement in Wastewater Treatment

Accurate measurement of TSS and TDS is vital for effective wastewater management. Commercial facilities often employ TSS sensors or monitors capable of detecting levels from 1,000 mg/L to as high as 8% solids. For more precise assessments, laboratory tests using EPA-approved methods are recommended to thoroughly analyze the TSS and TDS content, ensuring treatments are tailored and effective.

Common Types of Suspended Solids in Wastewater

  1. Bacteria: Particularly prevalent in well water, bacteria can indicate health risks or the presence of other pathogens.
  2. Clay: Often gives water a cloudy appearance and can be difficult to remove due to its fine particulate nature.
  3. Gravel and Sand: These heavier particles can settle at the bottom but may remain suspended depending on water flow and environmental conditions.
  4. Silt: Typically found in rivers and lakes, silt can affect the aesthetic quality of water without necessarily posing health risks.

Factors Increasing TSS in Wastewater

  • Erosion and Runoff: Natural processes such as erosion can increase the amount of suspended sediment and solids in water sources.
  • Human Pollution: Industrial processes can introduce harmful pollutants that attach to suspended particles, decreasing overall water quality.
  • Algae Growth: Algae, when they die, contribute organic material to the water, affecting oxygen levels and increasing TSS.
  • Food Waste: Decomposing food waste in water sources can increase TSS and lead to higher levels of organic waste.

The Environmental and Health Impacts of High TSS

High levels of Total Suspended Solids in water can have significant environmental and health effects. Ecologically, high TSS can reduce dissolved oxygen levels in water, harming aquatic life and disrupting ecosystems. For human health, certain suspended solids like bacteria and heavy metals pose serious risks, including gastrointestinal issues and potentially toxic effects. In the absence of oxygen, the anaerobic digestion process in industrial wastewater can produce biogas, impacting both environmental conditions and wastewater management.

Advanced Treatment Solutions for TSS and TDS Reduction

At bioprocessh2o, we specialize in sophisticated treatment systems designed to effectively manage and reduce both TSS and TDS in commercial wastewater. Our innovative solutions include advanced filtration systems and Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs), which enhance the quality of treated water, ensuring environmental compliance and operational efficiency.

Detailed Look at Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) and Their Role in Wastewater Treatment

Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) are a pivotal advancement in wastewater treatment technology. By combining biological degradation processes with membrane filtration, MBRs provide a high-quality treatment outcome. These systems are especially beneficial in scenarios where space is limited, and water reuse is desired. MBRs effectively remove a significant portion of both TDS and TSS, allowing for the reuse of water in industrial applications, which is crucial for sustainable water management.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Here a few case studies were implementing BioprocessH2O's filtration systems removed suspended dissolved solids in our clients wastewater:

We have helped a wide array of industries, including food and beverage, industrials, landfills, and many more solve solids in their wastewater, contact us and we can help you as well.

Conclusion: Commitment to Sustainable Wastewater Management

Our commitment extends beyond merely meeting regulatory standards. We strive to provide technologies that not only address TSS and TDS challenges efficiently but also contribute to sustainable water management through effective solids management and comprehensive TSS analysis.

by Peter Annunziato, M.Sc. (Engineering), P.E.

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