Turbidity Explained

Turbidity is the measurement of water clarity. It is measured by looking at the amount of light that is allowed through a sample of water. Clear water has low turbidity and murkier water has higher turbidity.

Turbidity is the measurement of water clarity. It is measured by looking at the amount of light that is allowed through a sample of water. Clear water has low turbidity and murkier water has higher turbidity.

What is turbidity?

Turbidity measures the clarity of water by determining how much light passes through a water sample. Clear water has low turbidity, whereas murkier water indicates higher levels. This parameter is critical for assessing water quality, ecological health, and public safety.

Turbidity vs. Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

While turbidity refers to the clarity of water, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) represent the actual particles present in the water. These particles, which include substances like dirt, silt, and organic material, obstruct light and contribute to the water's turbidity. Generally, an increase in TSS correlates with an increase in turbidity, affecting both water quality and visibility.

What causes turbidity? Detailed Causes

Turbid water can be caused by many different sources. Listed below are some of the common causes of turbidity:

  • Dirt
  • Silt
  • Organic matter
  • Bacteria
  • Pathogens
  • Microscopic organisms
  • Plant particles
  • Plankton

How do the above items get into the water? Well most of the time it has to do with human activity. Common events and activities (some of which we help treat before the water makes it to the environment) that can cause higher turbidity are:

  • Natural Processes: Rain, snowmelt, and erosion naturally introduce particles like silt and clay into water bodies.
  • Human Activities: Construction, mining, and agricultural runoff contribute significantly to water turbidity through the release of sediments and organic materials.
  • Industrial Discharges: Factories and treatment plants may discharge waste that increases turbidity, including organic pollutants and chemical residues.
  • Urban Runoff: Stormwater runoff from urban areas carries a mix of pollutants from roads, rooftops, and other surfaces into waterways.

Untreated wastewater is one of if not the biggest cause of turbidity levels rising in all bodies of water around the world. View our case studies page to learn how we help clean wastewater in many different industries.

How do you measure turbidity?

Optoelectronic meters are used to measure a water sample's turbidity. These systems work by shooting a known level of light (either white light or infrared light) through a water sample. The light then is scattered based on the water's clarity (or turbidity) and measured giving us the turbidity levels. These meters can also be called "nephelometers."

For low cost educational settings water test kits are available from World Water Monitoring Challenge.

A unit of turbidity measurement is a Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU). The more the light is scattered or blocked during testing the higher the turbidity. Turbidity should ideally be under 1 NTU for drinking water.

Turbidity Standards and Regulations

Understanding and adhering to international standards for turbidity, such as ISO 7027 and EPA method 180.1, ensures reliable measurement and compliance with global water quality norms. These standards detail:

  • Methodology: Specific methodologies prescribed for turbidity measurements.
  • Equipment Specifications: Requirements for the equipment used in turbidity testing.

Advanced Turbidity Management Techniques

Modern solutions for managing turbidity include both mechanical and natural treatment methods. These might involve:

  • Filtration Systems: Advanced filtration technologies that can effectively reduce turbidity.
  • Constructed Wetlands: Use of natural processes within constructed wetlands to decrease turbidity and improve water quality.

Is turbidity or cloudy water dangerous?

High turbidity in drinking water does not look right, and may also cause health issues for anyone who drinks that water. Many times (just like in nature above) more turbidity allows pathogens to grow in the water. It allows these microorganisms to feed and shelter from direct sunlight and other disinfectants, which would kill them. The systems we build and your town uses to clean your drinking water should help remove turbidity completely so this is not a worry of yours. At the end of the day it is not always the turbidity that is the cause of concern in drinking water, but many times that something else could be hiding within.

High turbidity out in the environment is also dangerous for ecosystems and many animal species. The cloudy water can cause diminished food supplies for fish and other aqua based creatures. The particles in the water can also cause the fish to get sick, not grow as large, impact spawning grounds, impact fertility, and more.

Ecological Impacts of Turbidity on Aquatic Ecosystems

Turbidity can influence aquatic ecosystems. High turbidity levels can reduce the amount of sunlight penetrating the water, which is crucial for photosynthesis in aquatic plants and algae. This reduction in sunlight can lead to decreased oxygen production, which is important for aquatic life. When plants produce less oxygen it can disrupt the food chain at its most fundamental level.

Also, suspended particles in turbid water can smother benthic habitats (the ecological region at the lowest level of a body of water such as the substrate of a lake or ocean), where many small organisms live and larger species find food. This sedimentation can lead to habitat degradation, affecting species that rely on clear water for breeding and feeding, such as fish and amphibians. For instance, many fish species require specific conditions for spawning, and increased sediment can bury eggs and reduce hatch rates, impacting future population sizes.

Addressing these ecological impacts involves implementing comprehensive water management strategies that not only focus on reducing turbidity but also on preserving the health of aquatic ecosystems. Through concerted efforts involving regulation, community engagement, and the adoption of advanced technologies, significant progress can be made in mitigating the negative effects of turbidity on our waterways.

Future Challenges and Innovations in Turbidity Control

Exploring future challenges in managing turbidity and the potential innovations could provide insights into the evolving landscape of water quality management. Discussion might cover:

  • Emerging Technologies: Potential new technologies for more accurate and efficient turbidity measurement and control.
  • Regulatory Changes: How evolving regulations might shape future approaches to managing turbidity in various industries.


Turbidity is a key indicator of water quality and ecological health. By understanding its causes, measuring techniques, and management methods, we can better protect water resources and ensure safe water for all uses. Continued research and innovation will play vital roles in addressing the challenges associated with turbidity in water bodies around the globe.

by Reid Burns

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