Waste Connections - LRI
Hidden Valley Sanitary Landfill's upgrade to a bioFLOW™ MBR system significantly increased capacity and achieved full nitrification, meeting local discharge standards
bioFLOW™ MBR System for Landfill Leachate
Waste Connections | COD, BOD5, TSS Removal and & Nitrification

Application Parameters
bioprocessH2O is equipped with a team of experts experienced in the wastewater industry. We provide solutions by offering innovative wastewater treatment systems that are custom built to each client’s needs and specifications. Allow bioprocessH2O to help you get the most out of your water with these recommended treatment systems.

The Problem
The Hidden Valley Sanitary Landfill needed to upgrade the existing MBBR system to an external tubular Membrane BioReactor (MBR) to increase capacity and ensure full nitrification to meet the discharge limits specified by the local municipality.
The Solution
bioprocessH2O supplied a bioFLOW™ Ultrafiltration (UF) external tubular membrane system and MBR equipment package to meet the treatment requirements.
The Results
The bioFLOW™ MBR System meets all treatment goals and effluent requirements for discharge to the local municipality.
COD Removed
Ammonia-N removed