Pulp and Paper Plant
Enhanced client's wastewater process with a bioFAS™ MBBR retrofit, achieving a >75% reduction in BOD and ensuring compliance with effluent limits
bioFAS™ MBBR System for Recycled Paper Board Wastewater
Pulp & Paper
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Removal

Application Parameters
bioprocessH2O is equipped with a team of experts experienced in the wastewater industry. We provide solutions by offering innovative wastewater treatment systems that are custom built to each client’s needs and specifications. Allow bioprocessH2O to help you get the most out of your water with these recommended treatment systems.

The Problem
This paper company, located in West Virginia, needed to upgrade its wastewater treatment process because the BOD load produced by the paper mill exceeded the treatment capacity of the existing SBR.
The Solution
bioprocessH2O retrofitted an existing clarified water tank into a singlestage MBBR system to reduce the BOD load to the existing SBR. The treated wastewater from the bioFAS™ MBBR is discharged to the existing SBR for BOD polishing and solids removal to meet the effluent requirements.
The Results
The bioFAS™ MBBR System reduces carbonaceous BOD by >75%, allowing the existing SBR to meet the effluent BOD limit.
of BODS removed
per day of sBOD removed