Army Truck Wash Depot
A bioFAS™ MBBR system replaced an inefficient trickling filter at an army truck wash depot, effectively handling high organic loads and meeting BOD reduction goals
bioFLOW MBR System for Soft Drink Production & Bottling
Food & Beverage
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Removal

Application Parameters
bioprocessH2O is equipped with a team of experts experienced in the wastewater industry. We provide solutions by offering innovative wastewater treatment systems that are custom built to each client’s needs and specifications. Allow bioprocessH2O to help you get the most out of your water with these recommended treatment systems.

The Problem
The army truck wash depot had a trickling filter that was not capable of handling the organic loading generated by heavy vehicle wash operation. The tricking filter was channeling the wastewater due to media that had been crushed by the weight of the biomass that could not be sloughed off. As a result, the ability to treat the wastewater for BOD reduction could not meet the NPDES permit requirements.
The Solution
In 2010, bioprocessH2O supplied a two-stage bioFAS™ Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) biological treatment process to reduce BOD on a single pass at elevated flow rates. BioprocessH2O partnered with local consulting engineers and contractors to install the project.
The Results
The bioFAS™ MBBR System effectively removes BOD down to direct discharge limitations and handles variable flow and loading conditions on a single pass with minimal operator attention.
BOD Removed