Revolutionize industrial wastewater treatment with bioprocessH2O’s bioFAS™ MBBR Systems. Designed for the pretreatment of organic-bearing wastewater streams, these systems offer modularity, resilience to toxic shocks, and ease of operation, ideal for both industrial and municipal applications.
bioprocessH2O’s bioFAS™ MBBR Systems embody cutting-edge treatment technology. Commonly applied in industrial settings for pretreating organic wastewater, these systems can be seamlessly integrated into existing treatment setups for enhanced BOD and nutrient removal, including nitrification and denitrification.
The bioFAS™ MBBR systems stand out due to their high-rate, compact biofilm design, which ensures efficient treatment even in fluctuating load conditions.
Fabrication & Design
The bioFAS™ MBBR systems feature a high surface-to-volume ratio biofilm carrier that promotes the thriving of microorganisms within its internally protected areas.
This innovative design enables continuous biomass sloughing, which is discharged alongside treated wastewater. The compact and modular design of these bioreactors makes them not only space-efficient but also adaptable for future expansion. Their resilience to toxic shock and low power consumption make them a reliable and sustainable choice for wastewater treatment.
Compact and Space-efficient
Easy Future Expansion
Low Power Consumption
Modular and User-friendly
High Load Capacity
Effective in Load Fluctuations
Resilience to Toxic Shock
Case Studies