bioFAS™ B-460
Maximize your wastewater treatment efficiency with bioFAS™ B-460 Biomass Carriers. Specially designed for MBBR systems, these carriers facilitate a self-sloughing, auto-regulating biofilm treatment process, ideal for enhancing the capacity of existing activated sludge systems.
The bioFAS™ B-460 MBBR media is engineered for optimal performance in moving bed biofilm reactor systems. These carriers are adept at providing an efficient, self-regulating biofilm treatment process.
They are versatile enough for use in both single-pass MBBR treatment processes and as an enhancement to existing activated sludge systems through the Integrated Fixed-film Activated Sludge (IFAS) process. This adaptability makes them a valuable asset in various wastewater treatment scenarios.
- Nominal Diameter: 20.5 millimeters (0.81 inches)
- Nominal Length: 15.75 millimeters (0.625 inches)
- Specific Gravity: 0.96 – 0.97
- Internal Protected Surface Area: 402 m²/m³ (122 ft²/ft³)
- Active Surface Area: 460 m²/m³ (139 ft²/ft³)
- Nominal Weight: 289 lbs/m³ (8.2 lbs/ft³)
- Materials of Construction: High-density polyethylene
Cost Effective
High Specific Surface Area
Efficient Treatment Process
Compact System Footprint
Easy Transportation and Handling
Suitable for Various Treatment Processes
Durable Material Construction