What Causes An Overloaded Wastewater System?

There are several ways a plant operator can tell if their wastewater system is overloaded, including the use of a control system. An efficient control system will alert the operator that the system is no longer operating correctly.

There are several ways a plant operator can tell if their wastewater system is overloaded, including the use of a control system. An efficient control system will alert the operator that the system is no longer operating correctly.

Diagnosis, Causes & Symptoms of an Overloaded System


There are several ways a plant operator can tell if their wastewater system is overloaded, including the use of a control system. An efficient control system will alert the operator that the system is no longer operating correctly. There are also non-measurable signs outside of a control system that may include an unusually strong odor or abnormally old looking sludge. If the system is failing to operate within its parameters, the town may also notify you that you are out of your discharge limits. This could cost you big money and also why it is so important to have efficient controls in place to measure and consistently analyze your data. In addition to an efficient control system, creating an internal checklist will help standardize and simplify the process of collecting and logging data around key water metrics.

bioprocessH2O Lab

Signs & Symptoms:

  • pH too high or too low
  • Low dissolved Oxygen
  • High Biological Oxygen Demand
  • Bacterial overgrowth
  • Old Sludge
  • Odors


So what can cause a wastewater system to become overloaded and out of compliance?

  • Changes in plant production
  • Introducing new products or processes
  • Aging equipment & technology
  • Inadequate controls

If the signs and symptoms of an overloaded wastewater treatment system are missed or overlooked, the final give away could be a Municipality Surcharge or worse system failure.

Here at bioprocessh2o we have engineered and installed over 150 wastewater systems which help keep our customers in compliance and protect our environment.

by Tim Burns

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