How We Solved A Beverage Company's Wastewater Problem

Beverage company water solutions

Beverage company water solutions

Burger & Drink

The Problem: A freshly pressed juice company was building a new process facility and needed to construct a wastewater treatment plant to meet their surcharge requirements for BOD and TSS. The goals and objectives were to minimize operator attention and achieve results that were sustainable.

The Solution: bioprocessH2O provided a bioFAS Mobilized Treatment Unit (MTU) designed for biological treatment of organic wastewater. The system operates on a single-pass the effluent discharges to a DAF for clarification of biosolids generated from the biodegradation process. Since the biological treatment process is an attached growth biofilm reactors system, there is no need for adjustment of MLSS to maintain Food to Mass (F:M) ratios to achieve desired levels of BOD reduction meeting the effluent discharge parameters set for by the POTW.

The Results: The bioFAS™ MTU System we installed effectively biodegrades the BOD to meet the effluent the discharge standards for BOD operating on a single pass with minimal operator attention. The bioFAS™ MTU system is handling wastewater that has exceeded the design parameters for flow, BOD and pH and it still meets the effluent discharge compliance standards. They no longer have a problem with their wastewater and we were happy to be part of the solution.

by Tim Burns

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